Postępy psychiatrii i nuerologii

ISSN 1234-8279

ISSN on-line 2449-9315 


MNiSW: 20

Index Copernicus 2023: 90,54



Panel redakcyjny
Zgłaszanie i recenzowanie prac online

Archiwum 1995–2023

2008, tom 24, zeszyt 2

II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Poster presentations - abstracts

Stupefiation fenomenon, rehabilitation perspectives

A. Grumeza
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Poster presentations - abstracts

A prospective community-based study of stroke in Belarus: the Grodno Stroke Study

S.D. Kulesh, S.A. Likhachev, N.A. Filina, N.M. Frantova, T.M. Kostinevich, N.L. Zhytko
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Poster presentations - abstracts

B-flow versus Color flow ultrasound imaging in 50 patients with carotid pathology

M. Klussurski, E. Vavrek
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Poster presentations - abstracts

Algorithm of an Integrated Examination of the Vascular System as an Initial and Secondary Prevention of Stroke

U.B. Lushchyk, V.V. Novytskyy, I.P. Babiy, N.G.Lushchyk
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Poster presentations - abstracts

Carotid stenting in acute stroke. Reopening of Left Internal Carotid Artery. One case report

A. Dowżenko, W. Czepiel
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Poster presentations - abstracts

Complications of severe cerebral amyloid angiopathy in the course of dementia with Lewy bodies. A clinical and neuropathological case report

T. Mendel, E. Bertrand, W. Czepiel, T. Wierzba-Bobrowicz
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Poster presentations - abstracts

Sewing needle as a cause of haemopericardium: unusual complication after stroke treatment with i.v. RtPa

A. Śliwińska, J. Jędrzejewska, M. Buksińska-Lisik, W. Dyk, K. Kotliński, M. Jasińska, A. Członkowska
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Poster presentations - abstracts

Objective measurement of post-stroke motor deficit. It’s goals and perspectives. Pilot study

M. Krawczyk, M. Syczewska
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Poster presentations - abstracts

Weekend versus Weekday Admission and Prognosis from Stroke

M. Niewada, M. Skowrońska, I. Sarzyńska-Długosz, A. Jezierska-Ostapczuk, A. Członkowska
Artykuł redakcyjny


Janusz Rybakowski

Zastosowanie kliniczne sertindolu w leczeniu schizofrenii

Anna Żebrowska, Jerzy Samochowiec
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 2008, 1, 75–93
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Oral presentations - abstracts

Clinical trials in Stroke – Where next?

Peter Sandercock
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Oral presentations - abstracts

Well-organized stroke care is best for the patient and for the society

Markku Kaste
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Oral presentations - abstracts

Management of blood pressure in acute stroke

Gillian Sare, Philip MW Bath
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Oral presentations - abstracts

Feeding after stroke

Martin Denis
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Oral presentations - abstracts

Safe Implementation of thrombolysis in stroke – European perspective

Nils Wahlgren
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Oral presentations - abstracts

Evidence based thrombolysis

Daniel Bereczki
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Oral presentations - abstracts

Use of thrombolysis outside the ‘classical’ indication: should we or shouldn’t we?

Peter Sandercock
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Oral presentations - abstracts

Thrombolysis enhanced by sono-thrombotripsy

David Školoudik
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Oral presentations - abstracts

Prevention of venous thromboembolism after stroke

Martin Denis
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Oral presentations - abstracts

An update on secondary stroke prevention with antithrombotic drugs

Ale Algra
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Oral presentations - abstracts

Antihypertensive therapy in stroke secondary prevention

Laszlo Csiba
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Oral presentations - abstracts

Accelerated prophylactic treatment after TIA or mild stroke

Gudrun Boysen
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Oral presentations - abstracts

Carotid disease and stenting (CAS) procedure

Bojana Zwan
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Oral presentations - abstracts

Genetics of stroke

Agnieszka Słowik
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Oral presentations - abstracts

Epidemiology of stroke

Janika Kõrv
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Oral presentations - abstracts

Post-stroke epilepsy

Danuta Ryglewicz
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Oral presentations - abstracts

The vascular contribution to dementia

Amos D. Korczyn
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Oral presentations - abstracts

Strategies to reduce the burden of stroke

Markku Kaste
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Oral presentations - abstracts

Post-stroke depression

Wojciech Kozubski
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Oral presentations - abstracts

Evidence based motor rehabilitation after stroke

K.H. Mauritz
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Oral presentations - abstracts

Enhancement of stroke recovery

Vida Demarin
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Oral presentations - abstracts

New approaches to stroke rehabilitation – Transcranial Magnetic Stimulations

Konrad Waldowski, Joanna Seniów, Anna Członkowska
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Poster presentations - abstracts

Middle cerebral arteries blood flow monitoring with the use of transcranial doppler ultrasonography in hypertensive patients without significant stenosis of extracranial arteries, in acute phase of ischemic stroke

A. Żywica, P. Nowacki
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Poster presentations - abstracts

Haemorrhagic transformation of acute ischaemic stroke in the patients treated with IV rt-Pa

P. Sobolewski, M. Śledzińska, R. Hatalska-Żerebiec
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Poster presentations - abstracts

The clinical characteristic of patients treated with IV rt-Pa in stroke unit of neurological department in Sandomierz

P. Sobolewski, M. Śledzińska, M. Grzesik
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Poster presentations - abstracts

Strokes in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation have more favorable outcome than in permanent atrial fibrillation

J. Staszewski, B. Brodacki, J. Kotowicz, A. Stępień
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Poster presentations - abstracts

Digoxine influence on the oxidative-nitrosative cascade development on the model of rat focal cerebral ischemia

O. Melekh
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Poster presentations - abstracts

Dynamics of changes of intrahemispheric EEG coherence in patients after carotid transient ischemic attack

M. Bialiauski
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Poster presentations - abstracts

Patent foramen ovale – anatomical base of paradoxical embolism of child and youth

S. Ievtushenko, I. Shepotinnyk, G. Fadeeva, T. Chumarina, V. Ponomaryov
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Poster presentations - abstracts

Clinical practice of thrombolytic therapy for ischemic stroke in the large industrial city

I. Shepotinnyk, S. Ievtushenko, G. Fadeeva, V. Shepotinnyk, V. Kondratyev
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Poster presentations - abstracts

Risk factor profile of different ischaemic stroke subtypes in Pomeranian Stroke Registry - a preliminary report

D. Gąsecki, G. Kozera, K. Chwojnicki, S. Szczyrba, M. Wiśniewska, W. M. Nyka, M. - on behalf of Prum members
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Poster presentations - abstracts

Risk factors for cerebrovascular pathology in the Republic of Moldova

I. Balan, E. Vlas e., D. Corcodel, V. Lisnic
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Poster presentations - abstracts

The impact of pre-hospital care effectiveness on cerebral thrombolysis implementation in rural and urban areas of Pomeranian Province

G. Kozera, D. Gąsecki, K. Chwojnicki, M. Wiśniewska, S. Szczyrba, M. Mochort, A. Wysocka, W. M. Nyka
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Central and Eastern European Stroke Society; Poster presentations - abstracts

Ultrasound analysis of middle cerebral artery (MCA) blood flow in patients with carotid angioplasty and stent placement (CAS)

P. Nowacki, A. Żywica, J. Podbielski, Z. Kornacewicz-Jach, D. Drechsler
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