Advances in psychiatry and nuerology

ISSN 1234-8279

ISSN on-line 2449-9315 


MNiSW: 20

Index Copernicus 2023: 90.54

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Archive 1995–2023

2019, volume 35, issue 1



Janusz Rybakowski
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii 2019, 35 (1), 5–8
Review article

Cerebrolysin – mechanism of action and application in psychiatry and neurology

Katarzyna Bliźniewska-Kowalska, Maria Łukasik, Piotr Gałecki
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii 2019, 35 (1), 9–23
Original article

Inhibitor of pro-apoptotic PERK-dependent signalling pathway as a novel treatment strategy in Alzheimer’s disease treatment

Wioletta Rozpędek, Justyna Basak, Igor Sokołowski, Radosław Wojtczak, Dariusz Pytel, Alan J. Diehl, Ireneusz Majsterek
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii 2019, 35 (1), 25–36
Review article

Pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy for bipolar disorder in the context of early childhood trauma

Paulina Jaworska-Andryszewska, Janusz Rybakowski
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii 2019, 35 (1), 37–50
Review article

Interactions of antidepressants, mood-stabilisers and antipsychotics with food

Anna Wasik, Anna Krupa, Marcin Siwek
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii 2019, 35 (1), 51–74
Case report

Postpartum psychosis – case report on effective treatment of electroconvulsive therapy in a patient with a history of neuroleptic malignant syndrome

Bogdan W. Stefanowski, Anna Z. Antosik-Wójcińska, Julia Jeschke, Monika Dominiak, Łukasz Święcicki
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii 2019, 35 (1), 75–80
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