Advances in psychiatry and nuerology

ISSN 1234-8279

ISSN on-line 2449-9315 


MNiSW: 20

Index Copernicus 2023: 90.54

Editorial panel
Submitting and reviewing works online

Pharmacotherapy in Psychiatry and Neurology / 
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii


A semi-annual journal published by the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in cooperation with the Psychopharmacology Section of the Polish Psychiatric Association.

Pharmacotherapy in Psychiatry and Neurology is a semi-annual journal publishing scientific and educational works in the field of broadly understood clinical and experimental neuropsychopharmacology. The journal is addressed to all those interested in information and results of scientific research in this field, i.e. psychiatrists, neurologists, pharmacologists, psychologists and representatives of other related specialties.

The journal is particularly interested in the pharmacological treatment of mental and neurological diseases and disorders, preclinical pharmacology of psychotropic drugs and drugs used in neurological diseases, neuropsycho-pharmacology of children and adolescents and the elderly, the mechanism of action of psychotropic drugs, the influence of pharmacological treatment on the bioelectric activity of the brain (pharmaco-EEG), on cognitive functions and psychosocial functioning, methods of psychometric assessment of drug action, studies of the effectiveness and adverse effects of psychotropic drugs and drugs used in neurological diseases, pharmacogenetic aspects of neuropsychiatric diseases and their treatment, neuroimaging of drug use, ethical problems related to the use of drugs and standards of pharmacological treatment in psychiatry and neurology. The journal accepts for publication original papers, review papers, short reports, case reports (case reports), letters to the editor, reports from scientific conferences and book reviews.

The journal has been published since 1984, initially as a quarterly "Psychotropic Drugs". The editors-in-chief were: Dr. Leszek Welbel (1984-1991) and Prof. Małgorzata Rzewuska (1991-1995). In 1995, the journal changed its name to "Pharmacotherapy in Psychiatry and Neurology". The editor-in-chief in the years 1995-2005 was Prof. Małgorzata Rzewuska, and since 2006 - Prof. Janusz Rybakowski.

MNiSW: 20
Index Copernicus 2023 score: 90.54 

The printed version of the journal Pharmacotherapy in Psychiatry and Neurology is the primary (reference) version.

Tasks: (1) Publishing scientific articles in English in the quarterly "Pharmacotherapy in Psychiatry and Neurology/Farmakoterapia Psychiatrii i Neurologii" and (2) Procedures securing the originality of articles published in the quarterly "Pharmacotherapy in Psychiatry and Neurology/Farmakoterapia Psychiatrii i Neurologii" were financed in 2018-2019 under the contract no. 707/P-DUN/2018 from the funds of the Minister of Science and Higher Education allocated for activities popularizing science. 

Task: Publishing scientific articles in English in the quarterly "Farmakoterapia Psychiatrii i Neurologii/Pharmacotherapy in Psychiatry and Neurology" was financed in 2016-2017 under the contract no. 842/P-DUN/2016 from the funds of the Minister of Science and Higher Education allocated for activities popularizing science.

In the years 2012-2015 the journal was co-financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education under the Index Plus program.

ISSN 1234-8279 (print version) 
e-ISSN 2449-9315 (online version of the journal)

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