2021 issue 3


Volume 37, issue 3

Original article

Influence of binaural beats on the state of relaxation and mood

Julia Jurczyk1
1. Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny SWPS
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii 2021, 37 (3-4): 221-233
Date of publication: 28-04-2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5114/fpn.2021.115644
Keywords: music therapy, relaxation, brainwaves


Objectives. Alpha brain waves have a frequency of 8 to 12 Hz and in humans are most often associated with a state of relaxation, stress relief, and peace. The results of many studies show that brainwaves can be stimulated by the binaural beats with a frequency corresponding to the given waves. The following study was conducted in order to answer the question of whether binaural beats at alpha wave frequency (10 Hz) will affect subjective mood, executive functions, and decrease pulse rate under the influence of emotional stimuli. In the described study, it was assumed that these changes may be accompanied by an increase in the EEG signal strength in the alpha band.

Material and methods. A total of 30 people were subjected to a manipulation experiment involving listening to binaural beats, 15 in the experimental group, and 15 in the control group. The participants of the experimental group listened to binaural beats with a frequency of 10 Hz twice for 3 minutes, while the participants of the control group spent the same time in silence. Pulse measurements were taken in both groups, Emotional Stroop Test was carried out, and the UMACL questionnaire was completed. Afterwards, it was checked whether the mean values ​​of these variables were significantly different between the groups.

Results. The results of the analysis indicated that the subjects who listened to binaural beats at a frequency of 10 Hz had a higher hedonic tone, i.e. they declared more pleasure than those who did not undergo this stimulation. At the same time, the study showed no significant changes in the measurement of heart rate, executive functions, tension, or energy arousal between the groups.

Conclusions. The results do not clearly indicate whether and how binaural beats can affect mood, but they are the basis for further, in-depth research on the effect of binaural beats.

Address for correspondence:
Julia Jurczyk
Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny SWPS
Biuro Dziekana Wydziału Psychologii w Warszawie
ul. Chodakowska 19/31, pokój 305, 03-815 Warszawa
email: julia.jurczyk@gmail.com