2018 issue 3


Volume 34, issue 3

Original article

Commentary on the recommendations of the national consultant in psychiatry concerning the treatment of depression

Dominika Dudek1
1. Katedra Psychiatrii UJ CM, Klinika Psychiatrii Dorosłych
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii 2018, 34 (3), 201–208
Date of publication: 23-11-2018
DOI: http://dx.medra.org/10.17393/fpn.2018.11.003
Keywords: depression, pharmacotherapy, treatment standards


Due to the high prevalence of depression and its considerable negative consequences for the lives and health of sufferers, it is necessary to broaden our knowledge of the epidemiology, clinical picture and treatment of the disease among psychiatrists and doctors of other specialties, particularly general practitioners. The awareness of the importance of the issue has inspired the publication this year of the “Guidelines for family doctors concerning the management of depression in adults”, commissioned by the Supreme Medical Chamber. A task force under the guidance of prof. Jerzy Samochowiec included experts in the field of psychiatry (Wiesław Cubała, Dominika Dudek, Janusz Heitzman, Jolanta Kucharska-Mazur, Sławomir Murawiec and Joanna Rymaszewska), a family medicine specialist (Agnieszka Jankowska-Zduńczyk), a methodologist (Małgorzata Bała) and a representative of a patients’ organization (Joanna Chatizow). The guidelines were developed on the basis of the literature on the subject, global treatment standards and the specific character of healthcare organization in Poland as well as the availability of the recommended methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Address for correspondence:
Katedra Psychiatrii UJ CM, Klinika Psychiatrii Dorosłych
ul. Kopernika 21a, 31-138 Kraków, Poland
email: katarzyna.cyranka@gmail.com