2017 issue 2


Volume 33, issue 2

Review article

May side effects be a reason for withdrawing bupropion and varenicline from the market?

Natalia Obsada1, Jadwiga T. Zalewska-Kaszubska1
1. Zakład Farmakodynamiki Wydziału Farmaceutycznego, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii 2017, 33 (2), 111–120
Date of publication: 20-11-2017
DOI: http://dx.medra.org/10.17393/fpn.2017.11.006
Keywords: varenicline, bupropion, rimonabant, psychiatric symptoms


Varenicline and bupropion are non-nicotinic drugs approved for treatment of tobacco dependence, but there are post-marketing case reports of suicidality associated with the usage of these drugs. For this reason, Food and Drug Administration and European Medicines Agency decided to add "Boxed Warnings" to product labelling to alert healthcare professionals and patients about possible psychiatric symptoms. Lately, rimonabant, a CB1 receptor antagonist, has been withdrawn from the market because of an increased risk of depression and suicidality. However, concerns about the safety of varenicline and bupropion are mostly based on case reports and currently benefits of smoking cessation are thought to be greater than the risk of psychiatric adverse effects associated with varenicline and bupropion therapy.

Address for correspondence:
Jadwiga T. Zalewska-Kaszubska
Zakład Farmakodynamiki Wydziału Farmaceutycznego,
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
ul. Muszyńskiego 1, 90-151 Łódź, Poland
phone: +48 42 677 91 79
email: jadwiga.zalewska-kaszubska@umed.lodz.pl