2017 issue 2


Volume 33, issue 2

Review article

Hypersexuality in patients with Parkinson disease treated with rasagiline

Marcin Kopka1
1. Wojskowy Instytut Medycyny Lotniczej
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii 2017, 33 (2), 121–128
Date of publication: 20-11-2017
DOI: http://dx.medra.org/10.17393/fpn.2017.10.003
Keywords: hipersexuality, Parkinson disease, rasagiline


Impulse control disorders are characterised by the failure to resist an impulse or temptation to perform an act that is harmful to the person or to others. One of them is hypersexuality. It is estimated that the incidence of hypersexuality in Parkinson's disease is between 2 and 4%. It is often associated with treatment with dopamine agonist of L-DOPA. In the last four years, first five cases were described published, in which hypersexuality was suggested to be associated with treatment with rasagiline. Rasagiline is an irreversible, selective monoamine oxidase type B inhibitor. It is used in early and advanced Parkinson's disease. Its efficacy was demonstrated in many randomised controlled studies. According to a recommendation of European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS), it was assigned an "A" level for symptomatic treatment of Parkinson's disease. Generally, the treatment with rasagiline is well tolerated. Incidence of adverse effects with rasagiline is similar to the treatment with placebo. Symptoms of hypersexuality appeared shortly after adding rasagiline and disappeared shortly after discontinuation of this drug. The above-mentioned time sequence suggests relationship with the treatment. Future studies are needed to confirm the relationship between treatment with rasagiline and hypersexuality.

Address for correspondence:
Marcin Kopka
Klinika Neurologii, Wojskowy Instytut Medycyny Lotniczej
ul. Krasińskiego 54/56, 01-755 Warszawa, Poland
phone: +48 601 386 692, email: marcin.kopka@wp.pl