2017 issue 1


Volume 33, issue 1

Original article

Self-assessment of mood, cognitive status and chronic fatigue in conjunction with intensification of sleep apnoea

Marek Daniłosio1, Jarosław Wysocki2, Marcin Lepak3, Edyta Staroń4, Adam Broncel5, Piotr Gałecki6
1. Institute of Medical Sciences, State Higher School of Vocational Education in Chełm
2. Medical Faculty, Łazarski University, Warsaw
3. Special Psychiatric Hospital in Świecie
4. Świętokrzyskie Center of Psychiatry in Morawica
5. Medical Technology Centre, Natolin
6. Adult Psychiatry Clinic, Medical University of Łódź
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii 2017, 33 (1), 21–40
Date of publication: 03-07-2017
DOI: http://dx.medra.org/10.17393/fpn.2017.04.001
Keywords: obstructive sleep apnoea, psychiatric assessment, mood, cognition, chronic fatigue


Objectives. Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a disease manifesting itself primarily with recurrent episodes of stopping breathing (apnoea) or significant shortness of breath (hypopnea) during sleep. OSA is also potentially related to a number of psychological problems generally not associated with impaired breathing during sleep. The objective of the study was to assess the relationship between the routinely measured sleep parameters and the patient's psychical condition assessed with the use of psychometric tests. 

Material and methods. Based on the results of polysomnography (PSG) tests, a study group was formed, consisting of 96 patients diagnosed with OSA, and a control group was formed, consisting of 24 patients, excluding OSA whose sleep disorders and excessive daytime sleepiness had other causes. The following self-assessment questionnaires were used in the study: Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS), Toronto Alertness Scale (TAS), Fatigue Assessment Scale (FAS), hypomania symptoms questionnaire (HCL-32), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale (SHAPS). 

Results. The results in the TAS, FAS, HCL'32, BDI, and SHAPS were significantly correlated with the severity of obstructive sleep apnoea. Patients with severe and moderate sleep apnoea obtained significantly worse results in psychometric tests measuring the risk of affective disorders and the degree of attention than subjects with mild apnoea and subjects with sleep disorders with OSA excluded. 

Conclusions. A patient diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnoea should undergo routine psychiatric evaluation in order to assess the urgency of planned treatment, given the significant risk of affective disorders.

Address for correspondence:
Piotr Gałecki
Klinika Psychiatrii Dorosłych
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
Aleksandrowska 159, 91-229 Łódź, Poland
email: galeckipiotr@wp.pl