2016 issue 2


Volume 32, issue 2


The report on the ECNP School of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychopharmacology, 3–8 April 2016, Venice, Italy

Ksymena Urbanek1
1. Centrum Pediatrii im. Jana Pawła II w Sosnowcu, Oddział Kliniczny Psychiatrii i Psychoterapii Wieku Rozwojowego
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii 2016, 32 (2), 129–132
Date of publication: 15-08-2016
DOI: http://dx.medra.org/10.17393/fpn.2016.07.002
Keywords: ECNP School of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychopharmacology


ECNP School of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychopharmacology is organized to provide high-level training in child and adolescent neuropsychopharmacology from a faculty of international experts. Its aim is to develop local good practice in teaching and training across European countries through the participants of the School.

The aim of this report is to present topics covered during the School, which took place in Venice (3–8 April 2016).

Address for correspondence:
Ksymena Urbanek
Centrum Pediatrii im. Jana Pawła II w Sosnowcu, Oddział Kliniczny Psychiatrii i Psychoterapii Wieku Rozwojowego
ul. Gabrieli Zapolskiej 3, 41-218 Sosnowiec, Poland
phone: +48 502 392 855
email: xymurbanek@gmail.com