2015 issue 3-4


Volume 31, issue 3-4


Sprawozdanie z VII Szkoły Neuropsychofarmakologii (ECNP), 5–10 lipca 2015, Oksford / Report on the 7th ECNP School of Neuropsychopharmacology, 5–10 July 2015, Oxford

Anna Antosik-Wójcińska1, Michał Lew-Starowicz2
1. Instytut Psychiatrii i Neurologii, II Klinika Psychiatryczna
2. Instytut Psychiatrii i Neurologii, III Klinika Psychiatryczna
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii 2015, 31 (3), 261–265
Date of publication: 06-11-2015
DOI: http://dx.medra.org/10.17393/fpn.2016.01.001


The aim of this report is to summarize the training for psychiatrists, which took place in Oxford between 5 and 10 July 2015. It presents briefly the topics of lectures and workshops and the events that accompanied this international meeting of scientists and clinicians. The most important conclusions from the lectures are concisely described. The list of publications is attached to enable broadening the knowledge on the topics discussed by the lecturers.

Address for correspondence:
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Poznaniu
Instytut Psychiatrii i Neurologii
ul. Sobieskiego 9
02-957 Warszawa, Poland
phone: + 48 504 530 526
email: aantosik@ipin.edu.pl