2010 issue 3-4


Volume 26, issue 3-4

Review article

Admission Day and Prognosis in Acute Stroke

Agnieszka Jezierska-Ostapczuk1, Maciej Niewada2,3, Anna Członkowska2,3
1. Oddział Neurologiczny w Sokołowie Podlaskim
2. Katedra i Zakład Farmakologii Doświadczalnej i Klinicznej Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego
3. II Klinika Neurologiczna Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii w Warszawie
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 2010, 3-4, 173–179
Keywords: early outcome, early case fatality, stroke, weekend, weekdays


Weekend admissions can be associated with poor outcome and increased mortality. This phenomenon is associated particularly with acute diseases and was defined as the "weekend effect". Stroke is a condition that requires immediate intervention. Our aim was to evaluate the impact of weekend admissions on stroke outcome and mortality in medical literature. It has been suggested that increased mortality in weekend stroke patients may be due to availability of quality pre-hospital and hospital stroke service. Comprehensive stroke centres with 24/7 availability of stroke specialists, advanced neuroimaging, surveillance of specialized nursing care can ameliorate the "weekend effect" in stroke patients. Identification of disparities in resources, expertise and healthcare provider working during the weekend may ameliorate differences in outcomes. Efficient and effective emergency healthcare should be available, irrespective of the day or time of admission.

Address for correspondence:
Agnieszka Jezierska-Ostapczuk
Oddział Neurologiczny
Ul. ks J.Bosko 5
08-300 Sokołów Podlaski
Tel. +48 694825502
Fax+ 4825 7817214
e-mail: jezierka@wp.pl