2009 issue 2


Volume 25, issue 2

Original article

Polish patients with I episode of schizophrenia in EUFEST study: change of the psychopatology level depending on the antipsychotic medication used

Marcin Olajossy1, Marek Masiak1, Jerzy Samochowiec2, Jolanta Rabe-Jabłońska3, Janusz Rybakowski4
1. Katedra i Klinika Psychiatrii UM w Lublinie, ul. Głuska 1, 20-439 Lublin
2. III Klinika Psychiatryczna, Instytut Psychiatrii i Neurologii, Al. Sobieskiego 9, 02-957 Warszawa
3. Katedra Psychiatrii UM w Łodzi, ul. Czechosłowacka 8/10, 92-216 Łódź
4. Klinika Psychiatrii Dorosłych, UM Poznań, ul. Szpitalna 27/33, 60-572 Poznań
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 2009, 2, 85–93
Keywords: schizophrenia, first episode, psychopathological picture


In 94 patients included to the Polish group of the EUFEST Study (European First Episode Trial), following drugs have been randomely used: haloperidol (27), olanzapine (26), amisulpride (26), quetiapin (12) and ziprazidon (3). Alike the whole EUFEST study group, Polish patients showed no differences in the severity of psychopathological symptoms after one year of antipsychotic treatment between the patients treated with haloperidol and patients treated with atypical antipsychotic agents. After one year of treatment, the level of negative symptoms was signifi cantly higher in patients treated with haloperidol. No signifi cant differences in the severity of psychopathological symptoms were observed between patients treated with atypical agents.

Address for correspondence:
Marcin Olajossy
Klinika Psychiatrii UM Lublin
ul. Głuska 1, 20-439 Lublin
tel. (081) 74 409 67
e-mail: olajossy@o2.pl