2009 issue 1


Volume 25, issue 1

Original article

A study of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) serum level in depressed patients

Jakub Filuś1,2, Janusz Rybakowski2
1. NZOZ „Zdrowie Psychiczne”, Sp.z o.o. w Poznaniu
2. Klinika Psychiatrii Dorosłych Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Poznaniu
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 2009, 1, 23–29


Aim of the study: Was serum BDNF levels measurement in depressed patients, in severe depression and in time of remission after antidepressant treatment and studying of connection between serum BDNF level and severity of depression.
Methods: In studies took part 60 patients hospitalized with the diagnosis of depressive episode in course of unipolar (28 patients) or bipolar disorder (32 patients). Severity of depression was assessed with HAM-D and Beck Scales. Serum BDNF was assayed with sandwich ELISA method using Quantikine Human BDNF Immunoassay (R&D Systems).
Results: The average serum BDNF levels in severe depressed patients were signifi cantly lower than those in remission. Difference was statistically signifi cant in whole patients group, as well as in men and women or bipolar and unipolar. We also found statistically signifi cant negative correlation between severity of depression ( measured with HAM-D) and serum BDNF levels in severe depression and remission.
Conclusions: Our results confi rm increase in serum BDNF level after antidepressant treatment in unipolar and bipolar patients and correlation between BDNF serum level and severity of depression

Address for correspondence:
Jakub Filuś
NZOZ „Zdrowie Psychiczne” Sp. z o.o.
ul. Śniadeckich 42, 60-774 Poznań
tel. 0-61 8658794
e-mail: kuba.filus@op.pl