2005 issue 3


Volume 21, issue 3


Rehabilitation in patients with multiple sclerosis - own experiences

Andrzej Kwolek1, Elżbieta Wieliczko1
1. Oddział Rehabilitacji Szpitala Wojewódzkiego Nr 2 w Rzeszowie
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 2005, 3, 289-292
Keywords: complications, quality of life, rehabilitation, and sclerosis multiplex


Introduction. Sclerosis multiplex usually considers the young people. It leads to disability independently from the stage of disease. The aim of treatment is to achieve functional recovery and improve the quality of life.
Material and methods. We observed and examined 458 patients treated in Rehabilitation Ward in District Hospital in Rzeszow in the 1990-2004 years. The rehabilitation period for patients lasted from three to six weeks. At the beginning and the end of rehabilitation each patient was generally and neurologically examined and evaluated in functional scale Kurzkego (EDSS), Cendrowski number scale, logarithmical pain scale, Rankin scale, Barthel index. The rehabilitation program was established individually for each patient according to clinical status, stage of disease and complications. Conclusions and observations were verified during the rehabilitation team.
Results. We obtained the improvement of functional state in nearly all patients independently from sex, age, and stage of disease, complications. Complications during rehabilitation such as deterioration of neurological state concerned several patients.
Conclusions. The complex rehabilitation model in patients with multiple sclerosis has to characterize interdisciplinary approaching to each patient. The improvement of general mobility and consequently quality of life was achieved in most of examined patients (99 percent).