2005 issue 3


Volume 21, issue 3


Pain syndromes in multiple sclerosis patients

Waldemar Fryze1,2
1. Oddział Neurologiczny i Leczenia Udarów Mózgu Wojewódzkiego Szpitala Specjalistycznego im. M. Kopernika w Gdańsku
2. II Klinika Neurologiczna Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii w Warszawie
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 2005, 3, 267-272
Keywords: pain, treatment, multiple sclerosis


Pain syndromes are common in multiple sclerosis patients. Pain has significant influence for disability, quality of life and rehabilitation. Pain syndromes have been found in as many as at least half of patient population but may range as high as 83%. Based on the review of literature the pain syndromes are caused predominantly by damage of central nervous system and they have neurogenic pain nature. According to WHO classification pain syndromes were divided into neuropathic pain, somatic pain and psychogenic pain, but much often pain was classified according to a temporal course of symptom for acute and chronic syndromes. We present literature review and show the frequency of pain syndromes and current treatment as well. Therapy must be individualised for each patient and each pain syndrome and can influence disability and rehabilitation process.