2005 issue 3


Volume 21, issue 3


Beta-Interferons in multiple sclerosis

Karl A. Baum1
1. Department of Neurology, Klinik Hennigsdorf
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 2005, 3, 227-234
Keywords: interferon beta-1b, interferon beta-1a, clinical trial, multiple sclerosis


Early intervention with disease-modifying substances in relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis is recommended to minimise damage to the central nervous system and improve clinical outcome. Beta-interferons have been administered successfully over the past 12 years in the treatment of relapsing-remitting MS. At least one beta-interferon (IFNβ-1b) has proven efficacy in secondary progressive MS.
Two partly blinded respectively blinded head-to-head comparative studies (INCOMIN, EVIDENCE) support the impression that high-dose, high-frequency beta-interferons are more effective.
Efficient strategies have been developed to prevent side-effects in a large proportion of patients. Beta-interferons are first-line therapeutics in MS treatment. With the aim of increasing the number of patients benefiting from treatment with beta-interferons, the phase III-trial BEYOND is currently ongoing to investigate the dose of 500 µg IFNβ-1b.