2005 issue 2


Volume 21, issue 2


Risk factors and opinions in violence in juvenile people

Józef Krzysztof Gierowski1
1. Zakład Psychologii Lekarskiej Katedry Psychiatrii CM UJ Instytut Ekspertyz Sądowych w Krakowie
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 2005, 2, 113-129
Keywords: juvenile deliquents, risk of factors


The aim of the presented research was to elaborate a criminal behaviour model of juveniles taking into account, on one side the risk factors, diagnosed by means of SAVRY questionnaire, and on the other side, the psychological processes and mechanisms underlying the asocial activity of youth.

The examined group consisted of 98 juveniles, who underwent psychological examination by means of SAVRY questionnaire and the following testing methods: Eysenck Personality QuestionaireRevised (EPQ-R), A. Antonowsky's Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-29), J.B. Rotter's I-E Scale, Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS) Scale of Emphaty, Mehrabin's and Epstein's.

The analysis of the obtained results allowed for the differentiation of juvenile groups having similar profile of risk factors. In the analysis, a K-means clustering method was applied. Three groups of juveniles were differentiated, according to the intensity and the risk profile. In the first group there was the highest historical, social and individual factor with a low (or a very low) security factor. In the second group the lowest were historical and social factors, whereas the individual factor was on the average scale, with the security factor being the highest. In the third group the historical and the socal factors were average, the lowest was the individual factor, while the security factor was low or very low.

The paper will present the analysis of the relationship between the group of the juveniles and the selected personality traits of juveniles.