2005 issue 1


Volume 21, issue 1


Refractory epilepsy and genetically determined factors

Iwona Kurkowska-Jastrzębska1, Sławomir Pilip1, Krystyna Niedzielska1, Maria Barańska-Gieruszczak1
1. II Klinika Neurologiczna, Pracownia Elektroencefalografii Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii w Warszawie
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 2005, 1, 25-31
Keywords: multidrug-transporter proteins, drug-metabolizing enzymes, cytochrome P-450, ion channels


Many studies indicate the role of genetic factors in the refractory epilepsy. The main directions of research enclose polymorphism of genes encoding enzymes that participate in drug metabolism, polymorphism or mutations of genes encoding multidrug-transporter proteins and drug receptors. The research of the mechanisms of refractory epilepsy development provide to better understanding and eventually to successful treatment of the disease.