
2003, volume 19, issue 1


St. John’s wart in the treatment of depression

Iwona Koszewska
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 2003, 1, 45-54

Author reviews the data concerning the use of drugs, based on St. John’s wort in depression. The mechanisms of action, research based evidences for its effectiveness, indications and contraindications to its use, side effects and the interactions – are presented in the paper. There are a growing number of papers, suggesting a lack of scientific base to regard St. John’s wort, as an effective antidepressant (questioning even its use in minor or moderate depression). Author warns against its use in major depression, taking into account the risk of improper treatment. There are also more and more data concerning the risk of interaction between St. John’s wort and other drugs.