2001 issue 2


Volume 17, issue 2


Fluoksetyna – właściwości farmakologiczne i działanie kliniczne

Małgorzata Rzewuska1
1. Samodzielna Pracownia Farmakoterapii Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii w Warszawie
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 2001, 2, 208-228


Fluoxetine is the best known antidepressant selectively suppressing serotonin reuptake (SSRI). Since the drug has been applied for over a decade, numerous studies could be carried out evidencing its effectiveness and safety in depressive syndromes of various etiology and clinical picture, in obsessive-compulsive disorders, and in bulimia. In the paper results of clinical trials and of meta-analyses are summarized. Reported results allowed not only to formulate more specific recommendations for the drug administration and to evaluate its side effects, but also to determine the risk of interaction.