
2001, volume 17, issue 1


Badanie występowania hiperprolaktynemii podczas stosowania leków przeciwpsychotycznych

Rzewuska Małgorzata, Kuczyński Wojciech, Luks Małgorzata, Ziołkowska Agnieszka
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 2001, 1, 86-91

The aim of the study was to evaluate the prolactin levels in schizophrenic inpatients receiving antipsychotics. The levels of prolactin have been measured in 67 patients two times during hospitalization. The study has revealed hyperprolactinemia in almost all patients (regardless of gender) treated with conventional neuroleptics, sulpiride or risperidon. Clozapine and quetiapine have been proved to exert the least influence or the secretion of prolactin. No correlation between the clinical symptoms resulting from hyperprolactinemia and the prolactin level has been established. The study revealed the coexistence of hyperprolactinemia and extrapiramidal symptoms. This leads to the conclusion that hyperprolactinemia may result from that the optimal dosage for an individual patient has been exceeded.


Późne dyskinezy występowanie, diagnostyka i metody leczenia

Izabela Niedźwiedzka, Krzysztof Tyczyński
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 2001, 1, 92-112

Tardive dyskinesia, a disabling movement disorder associated with prolonged use of neuroleptic medication continues to be still a serious problem in psychopharmacology. Its persisting course affects the patient’s self esteem, compliance, prognosis and social functioning. This article presents review of the current knowledge on tardive dyskinesia, its risk factors, clinical features and management.


Porównanie wpływu typowych i atypowych neuroleptyków na zaburzenia funkcji poznawczych w schizofrenii

Alina Borkowska, Janusz Rybakowski
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 2001, 1, 141-154

Cognitive dysfunctions are core and enduring deficits in schizophrenia, existed before first episode of the illness. Novel antipsychotic drugs exert more favourable influence on the cognitive performance in schizophrenia, compared with typical neuroleptics. However, some differences in this respect between various atypical antipsychotics may exist. In our study risperidone treatment resulted in significant amelioration of performance on all neuropsychological tests both after short- and long-term treatment. Olanzapine gave benefit on selected tests, although in most instances, this effect was noted only after long-term treatment. Olanzapine was inferior to risperidone in improving WCST performance. Treatment with phenothiazine’s brought about improvement on two subtests while the results on three showed significant deterioration. The results obtained suggest that novel antipsychotics show differential effect on cognition, with risperidone especially improving working memory; however, they have superior influence on negative symptoms and cognitive functions compared to phenothiazines.
Improvement of cognitive functions in patients with schizophrenia during treatment with atypical neuroleptics may result in improvement of compliance, problem solving, better social adaptation and improvement of quality of their life.


Łączenie risperidonu z innymi lekami

Janusz Rybakowski
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 2001, 1, 155-162

Cognitive dysfunctions are core and enduring deficits in schizophrenia, existed before first episode of the illness. Novel antipsychotic drugs exert more favourable influence on the cognitive performance in schizophrenia, compared with typical neuroleptics. However, some differences in this respect between various atypical antipsychotics may exist. In study the results obtained suggest that novel antypsychotics show differential effect on cognition, with risperidone especially improving working memory, however, they have superior influence on negative symptoms and cognitive functions compared to phenothiazines.
Improvement of cognitive functions in patients with schizophrenia during treatment with typical neuroleptics may result in improvement of compliance, problem solving, better social adaptation and improvement or quality or their life.