1999 issue 3


Volume 15, issue 3


„Głód” alkoholu i nawroty picia – postępy psychofarmakologii doświadczalnej

Przemysław Bieńkowski1
1. Zakład Farmakologii i Fizjologii Układu Nerwowego Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii w Warszawie
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 1999, 3, 82-96


Alcohol dependence is a typical chronic, relapsing disorder. Unfortunately, most of animal models of alcoholism neglect behavioural and neuropharmacological aspects of long-term abstinence, a1cohol craving and relapse to alcohol-taking. The present paper reviews recent attempts to develop valid animal models of alcoholism which could address mechanisms of a1cohol craving and relapse. The effects of naltrexone and NMDA receptor antagonists on ethanol self-administration and extinction/reinstatement of ethanol-reinforced behaviour were also characterised.