1999 issue 3


Volume 15, issue 3


Diagnostyka i leczenie pacjentów hospitalizowanych po raz pierwszy z powodu epizodu psychozy

Tomasz Szafrański1, Agnieszka Szaniawska-Bartnicka1
1. III Klinika Psychiatryczna Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii w Warszawie
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 1999, 3, 18-25


The aim or this artic1e is to research what kind of diagnos1ic tests and therapeutic methods are used for inpatients with first psychotic episode. The authors analysed medical documentation of 33 patients admitted to the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw and compared the results with Polish standards for diagnose and treatment of schizophrenia, published in 1997.
Chloropromazine or perazine were the most often used first neuroleptics. In cases when change of treatment was required high-potency neuroleptics: fluphenazine, perphenazine or haloperidol, were used as secondary therapy. The change of therapy was prescribed during first three weeks of treatment for more than 50% of patients. Polish standards recommend not to change the therapy before a lapse of four week period if the first drug is not effective.