1998 issue 4


Volume 14, issue 4


Współczesne poglądy na procesy pamięci i uwagi u chorych na schizofrenię

Anna Wrońska1
1. I Klinika Psychiatryczna Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii w Warszawie
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 1998, 4, 42-50


For many years cognitive functions in schizophrenic patients have been a subject of interest for neuropsychology. Attention deficits which affect all cognitive functions in humans, and working memory disturbances are of particular importance. Besides worse results obtained by schizophrenic patients in neuropsychological tests with respect to healthy controls, neuroimaging studies revealed anatomical and structural disturbances in various regions of their brains, particularly in the frontal region, prefrontal cortex and medial temporal region.