1998 issue 3


Volume 14, issue 3


Wpływ leków z grupy hamujących wychwyt zwrotny serotoniny na masę ciała chorych z zespołami depresyjnymi

Barbara Sęp-Kowalikowa1, Hanna Badzio-Jagiełło1, Andrzej Mikołajczuk1
1. I Klinika Chorób Psychicznych AM w Gdańsku
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 1998, 3, 43-45


Our study aims to assess the weight changes during the treatment of depressive patients with SSRI’s. We studied 150 depressive patients during 6-8 weeks of treatment. It was no significant weight changes during treatment with fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine and sertraline. Only several depressive patients with obesity and overweight showed a significant weight loss during the SSRI’s treatment. This problem needs further investigation.