1997 issue 4


Volume 13, issue 4


Współczesne poglądy na postępowanie u osób dorosłych i młodzieży po pierwszym w życiu napadzie padaczkowym

Agnieszka Romaniak1, Maria Barańska-Gieruszczak1
1. II Klinika Neurologiczna Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii w Warszawie
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 1997, 4, 77-82
Keywords: epilepsy, single seizure, idiopathic seizure


Management of first-ever-in life epileptic seizure in adults and adolescents: current opinions Management of first epileptic seizure in adults and adolescents is discussed, acute symptomatic seizures being excluded. When a diagnosis of first idiopathic or remote symptomatic seizure is established, antiepileptic treatment is to be considered. Controversies still exist about the problem of early treatment after first seizure. None of available clinical trials has proven greater benefit of early treatment vs. deferred treatment in terms of long-term prognosis, neither has prognostic factors been defined. Introduction of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) may cause adverse drug reactions, including exacerbation of seizures. Thus, further studies are required to decide whether people should be treated after their first epileptic seizure. Recently started study of early epilepsy and single seizures was presented.