1995 issue 4


Volume 11, issue 4


Wstępne wyniki stosowania dużych dawek piracetamu podawanych dożylnie u pacjentów z zespołem otępiennym

Hubert Kowalczys1, Szymon Niemcewicz1, Jacek Drojewski1, Wojciech Androsiuk1
1. I Klinika Psychiatryczna AM w Warszawie
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 1995, 4, 77-82


In this paper preliminary, results of high doses intravenous Piracetam in the treatment of dementia and actigraphic monitoring are discussed. During course of i.v. Piracetam (12 g daily) and following period of 4.8 g Piracetam p.o. no side effects were observed. Patients showed improvement in c1inical scales (Information-Memory-Concentration Test, Mini-Mental State Examination). Actigraphic results showed increased motor activity after treatment, equally distributed for both day and night.