1995 issue 2-3


Volume 11, issue 2-3


Porównanie skuteczności ambulatoryjnego stosowania w ciągu roku neuroleptyków w formie depot w schizofreniach urojeniowych

Małgorzata Rzewuska1
1. Samodzielna Pracownia Farmakoterapii Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii w Warszawie
Farmakoterapia w Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 1995, 2-3, 56-70


During l year in 348 schizophrenic patients the therapy with 6 depot neuroleptics (haloperidol, flupenthixol, fluphenazine, perphenazine, pipothiazine, zuklopenthixol) were provided. Psychopathological state (BPRS, CGI, AMDP), adverse events (ARI, SOZP) and social functioning (SAI) were evaluated. Full remission was observed in 49% of the patients. In group of 209 patients the effect of therapy with different neuroleptics was compared during l year medication. These results suggest that the therapy with neuroleptics with high affinity to the serotoninergic receptor companied few severe extrapyramidal symptoms (fluphenazine, flupenthixol). The neuroleptics with D1, alfa-l-adrenergic blocking and antihistaminic activity caused marked sedation in patients (zuklopenthixol, fluphenazine).